Hi, I'm Rachel
Words Matter
Our word choices make the difference between your readers (and potential donors) feeling lost and disinterested or being
drawn into your organization's story.
My writing style is centered on plain language. Simply put, I care about why your eyes gloss over heavy, jargon-filled
text and stay drawn into simple but well-crafted sentences. I believe in conversational tone, active voice and I can
always find a way to say something more effectively.
From international NGOs, independent start-ups to the insurance industry, I've worked across the board in helping people
create meaningful, results-based content. I do this through: story writing, web content, newsletters, donor appeals,
social media creation and more.
If I've kept you interested until now, please continue to browse my recent articles and the services I offer. Let's chat
more about how I can serve your organization's mission through the power of words.